Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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BA_C_HIST051217 mod 8 dis

BA_C_HIST051217 mod 8 dis

Q 2. Do you think political figures in other countries (for example, sitting president of the U.S. or, for that matter, presidential candidates during election season) should be ever relying on support from youth organizations? How could a candidate / political figure benefit from such a group? How could young people benefit from joining such an organization? Could such a youth support group become anti-democratic? Whenever possible, during your own discussion, draw parallels to the readings and video materials of this module.

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Youth organizations perform the crucial task of representing the views and concerns of that part of the population who has the potential to bringing about a marked change in the existing order of things by carving out a niche for themselves. The youth is held to be most techno-savvy adept in the use of all the nuanced means of technology. This enables them to propagate their ideas with great vigor and have often been helpful in eliciting mass response by mobilizing huge support. When it comes to the question of support from these organizations, I believe that the political figures need to keep their options open by not solely ‘relying’ on these organizations, nonetheless, maintaining an amicable liaison with the latter.